Swing Analysis Video Part 3

The third swing analysis video provided by my instructor, Wayne DeFrancesco, is at the end of this post. Check out the first and second ones here. While I have made progress and the swing looks better, there is still a lot to work on.

Here, I finally start to shallow the swing but can definitely shallow it more. The steeper my swing is, the easier it is to hit behind the ball (fat) or skull it (thin), neither of which I want to do.

On the right side of this screenshot you can see the club head start to shallow on my downswing. In the past, the club head would look like it comes straight up out of the top of my hands, but now the club head is flatter and behind me.

I also work on maintaining depth in my waist (hips and but back) and rotating/finishing around to the left of the target, instead of swaying towards the target. This also gives me more space between my body and the ball. My hands to come through this space, which helps with shallowing the club.

One potential MAJOR change is that I am getting fit for clubs this week. The clubs that I currently have were fit for me about 4 years ago. They are 1/4″ inch longer than standard, but we think that I could use some extra length in the club. I’m 6’5″ but my arms are relatively short for my body. So theoretically I would need longer clubs than the average 6’5″ person. If the club is longer, I should be able to stand farther away from the ball and swing on a flatter (instead of steeper) plane.

Check out the full video!
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Swing Analysis Video Part 1

When I started this journey I knew I would need to get some professional help. Watching youtube and instagram swing analysis videos can only do so much. I had 2 separate pros recommend the same guy in Boca, and it’s worked out great so far.

I’ve made a bunch of changes since I started working with Wayne. We’ve had 5 sessions over the past month and a half, and have already made a ton of progress. I’ve smashed my personal best score, posting 73 twice in the last 2 weeks. And I know that I’ll break 70 any day now.

Swing analysis video clip
This is a screenshot from the video from 11/13

A bunch of you have asked for more swing analysis so I’m going to periodically post the swing analysis videos that Wayne puts together.

This first video focuses on some of the initial swing changes I made over the first couple weeks. It’s a few weeks old at this point, but I’ll post the more recent video analysis in the next couple of days.

Some of those changes are listed below, but please keep in mind that these are changes based on MY original swing. Making the same changes will not necessarily benefit your swing, but the concepts in the video will definitely help.

The changes I worked on

  • Switching from a baseball grip to overlapping my right pinky on top of the knuckle of my left index finger.
  • Moving the ball forward in my stance (closer to my left foot).
  • Not flipping my hands at the ball – this is pretty common for amateur players. The idea is that your hands should be ahead of the ball at impact, and that you don’t need to try to lift the ball in the air.

Check out the full video below and let me know what you think!

This is the first video swing analysis that my coach, Wayne, sent over.
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